Blogging about questions about blogging.
To say something lots of people might care about, I'll piggy back on Jeremy's post about the woods and the complexities therein. We were on the same "trip" trip trip. what. something gets going in the brain that makes you fall in love with a stick. This is why hippies are so peaceful. This is what's behind the thought "everyone should do this". Logically, if you could allow the eyes to swim along the intricate patterns of the stick and behold its wild colors (there really are purple sticks), you have a more difficult time dropping the thing much less being the force behind ending the movement of an autonomous creature. Were we all to ingest this magic potion that makes us want to explore, forever deeper, the intricacies in nature and those in one another's faces and bodies, the desire for deeper experiential knowledge might overcome the desire to inflict pain or even negligence on one another and even on ourselves. peace. voila. right?
Short of such idealistic goals for all the people on the planet, I'll mention that I had a profound time swimming with the patterns of moss trees sticks plants muscles bones movement grass ...and also getting to observe this Jeremy (who I call "yemmy" in many of my journal entries, courtesy of a few friends who helped birth this nickname, which alas, he hates, and which i won't use in this blog entry because it's only intended to show it's face in my journal:)) and getting to know him better. It's quite a simple thing really, love. But that's another post.