Tuesday, April 22, 2008


For those of you who are unfamiliar, the POGO that Jamison had referenced is "Put Out or Get Out", an art and music (as if they were different...) zine that Katarina Riesing (my lovely lady) and I publish. If any fellow spiralsonicers are interested in contributing, our next issue is themed X-rated (open to interpretation). The format will be standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper folded in half and xeroxed, but not in that order. There is also a CD included, so any pics, words, or sounds are welcome. I've got this idea about putting some short erotic fiction pieces that would be one or two pages long that will be interspersed as "sex scenes". If anyone is interested in this in particular e-mail putoutorgetout@live.com. Also, we have a bare bones myspace at:

Peace be with you,
Rev. Bro. J

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