Tuesday, September 23, 2008

David Byrne

I had the chance to see David Byrne at the Ryman last night. Fucking amazing show, as you might imagine. I would highly recommend his new album (which is a collaboration with the producer, Brian Eno) Everything that Happens Will Happen Today. Brilliant, beautifully joyful music as only they could put together.

He of course did a lot of numbers from this album, but also a good collection of Talking Heads tunes, and at the very end, even did some country songs (it seems like everyone does a little something like that when they come to Nashville.) The crowd (as every crowd at the ryman has been) was fantastic. I felt like I was really part of something magical.

The show also brought about certain issues I've had with my own musical voice - in the sense that I have so many varied influences, and I feel like the music I make somehow has to accomodate all of them. (which of course Byrne does beautifully with his.) But its not like he consciously did that, it evolved. I've realized that ultimately I just have to create without thinking in a way, ... prevent any intellectual walls to hinder the process. Its so obvious, but so hard for me for some reason. I know, eventually one's voice, unique and resonant, will come through. And its the journey towards that ever elusive, never conclusive voice that makes it all worth while anyway, right? so, here's to us searching, but never truly finding our voices. may it be a wild ride!


Unknown said...

I had a chance to watch that video of him playing the building. Very cool stuff. He is definitely one of the most unique voices out there. And isn't the journey of music all about finding your own voice anyway? That IS the ride!!

Jeremy said...

I had a rehearsal last night and what the leader of the group was saying reminded me of the last part of your post, Jamo. He was telling me how for a few years, he was so strung out on Tom Waits that he couldn't even write music. He said that there was such a connection with the humor, feel, and content of Tom's music that he felt Tom Waits wrote his life better than he ever could. To get out of it, though, he realized that there was good music he was throwing out because it seemed out of left field or not up to this impossible standard and eventually he came to accept and appreciate it and that's when he found out who he was through his own music. Of course, a lot of it still has noticeable influence...