Monday, November 30, 2009


This is documentation. To bring you up to speed, I lost my job October 18th. The restaurant I worked for closed its doors. It was a perfect job in many ways - organic vegan food, wonderful co-workers (almost all women), easy work schedule, paid in cash under the table. Perfect! Then it closed. I didn't want to get some bullshit job after having such a good one, so I just didn't get another job. I felt compelled to test out some theories I've had fueled by reading people like Buckminster Fuller ("Critical Path"), Joseph Campbell (several, but most significantly "Pathways to Bliss"), and Henry Miller (also several, but especially "Stand Still Like the Hummingbird" and "Tropic of Cancer"). These are all people who vehemently swear that in giving up on the standard American day job mentality, their needs were met by simply following their intuition, making themselves available, and doing what was needed from them. So fuck it. I can't swear by that shit if I'm not willing to put myself on the chopping block. So now I'm about six weeks into it. I've gotten a couple random jobs, all of which have been fun (catering, helping dj a junior high dance, and more catering), I've composed and performed, and I've even got a friend that gives me grass whenever he comes over because he thinks it helps my artistic process (sometimes yes, sometimes no). Now it's almost December and I've got rent money coming, but not at hand. I've got a couple shady business options that I'm looking at seriously, because even though it's a touch illegal, it isn't immoral. To me. I may be late, but I think I'll make rent. So far, so good. More to come. xoxo

1 comment:

Jamison said...

bravo sir! to live by the words you admire is something few can proudly claim. I wish you all the best - you know you can always seek refuge down south ...