Amazing amazing things are afoot. I don't know exactly how to explain the Free University, especially because it is still in its infancy, but I can say that last Monday night, 13 total bad asses convened in my apartment to discuss how we could begin a program of education for each other, from each other. We had people who's chosen passions and specialties ranged from found object sculpture, to Chinese philosophy, to capoeira, and on and on. Everyone had something that everyone else wanted to explore with them. So we ate amazing vegetarian food (potluck style) and just went around the room discussing how we thought a program could work and what we all thought we could contribute. The group is continually growing and the program is evolving and evolving. The seed was actually planted last fall and is now starting to really come up from the ground. This week, I led a Harmonic Experience group that essentially consisted of me cultivating my morning routine and inviting others to join in - Tuesday it was just me, Wednesday Meg came by, Thursday Molly came by, and Friday had Meg, Molly, Leslie, and Aaron. It doesn't matter that you don't know who they are, but it is of note that Aaron has a master's in classical piano performance and specializes in advanced tuning systems including microtonal composition and alternate equal tempered tunings. Fucking AWESOME! Where this is all going is still in the air, but there is a lot of momentum, a lot of heart and love and a growing number of brilliant people wanting to get involved. We have a chalkboard wall in my living room, and the picture is of the wall after the notes from the meeting. Additionally, my roomies and I are going to be hosting a weekly underground coffee shop in our apartment and I'm scheduling for a lecture series that will convene at each of the coffee shop sessions. If any of you are in town on a Tuesday, we'd love to have you speak!
PS - we're looking to get a website and it appears as if we may go with fuchicago.org. Ha ha ha!
finally able to get online - - - - man i think that all sounds so fantastic! i want to be as much of a part of it as i can. crazy synchronicity: i am literally just about to crack open harmonic experience to take notes on teaching a class at the center this summer! crazy! can't wait to speak about momentum and the like.... full speed ahead!
This seems to piggyback on an idea that Jamison, Ellen, Tami and I had a while ago where we were all going to trade lessons with each other. Jamison would give us all a trumpet lesson, me a guitar lesson, Ellen an English lesson and Tami an acting lesson. Very cool stuff. Keep us in the know!!
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